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LEED – Silver Certification

LEED-SILVERNorthland Center was the first suburban office building in the Twin Cities to achieve LEED Existing Building Operations and Maintenance (EBOM) – Silver Certification. Leadership in Energy and Environmental (LEED) design is a rating standard established by the U.S. Green Building Council.

750px-Energy_Star_logoThis is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices to lower energy costs, increase sustainability and create healthier work environment for employees.

Energy Star Certification

Northland Center continues to be a leader in the pursuit of sustainability. ENERGY STAR is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps buildings, businesses and individuals save money and protect the climate through superior energy efficiency. Northland Center’s ENERGY STAR label is 92 out of possible 100 points.

WELL Health & Safety Rated

Northland Center became WELL Health & Safety Rated in 2024. This rating certifies our commitment to the highest standard of health and safety within the facilities.

It is an evidence-based, third-party verified rating for all facility types, focused on operational policies, maintenance protocols, emergency plans, and stakeholder education to address safety and health issues and help organizations put necessary protocols in place for resilience and response.

Dedicated Sustainability Team

Northland Center’s sustainability team continually seeks out and implements energy saving measures that lowers tenant energy costs and creates healthier environments. For example, the team identified a process that resulted in a change in the building’s billing rate from a general time of day rate to a general service rate which saves on the building operating expenses.

Northland Center is also proud to work directly with Xcel Energy to utilize rebate programs which decrease operating expenses and have implemented systems to shed electricity use.

Bicycle Racks

Bicycle racks are located in the lower level of the parking ramp, near the parking ramp’s enclosed stair tower (North side) and by ATM exit.

For the convenience of those who choose to commute to work via bicycle, the building is also equipped with a locker and shower facilities for your use upon signing a waiver of liability.

For any further questions please contact [email protected].

Public Transportation

For more information on public transportation available near Northland Center, please click on the below: